Thursday, December 9, 2010

jazz game

Monday night we went to the Jazz game and when I say we went to the jazz game I'm not kidding. One of my dad's friends gave us front row tickets. Literally. I was at the half court line with my feet on the court. Some of the highlights:

-Trying to get a ball from one of the dancers slash Jazz Bear. I think there's a rule no giving anything to front row people.
-Seeing my dad really try to get the attention of the Jazz Bear because he knows him.
-Yelling out to the players when they were so close trying to see if they would look at me. I think one time Raja Bell gave me a little head nod.
-Watching these little dancers during the half time show. We were very close and got to see all their facial expressions.
-Jayne being scared one of the players was going to land on her and hurt her.


  1. epic picture.
    love the new background :).

  2. front row? are you kidding me? that almost never happens. leave it to sarah price edwards:)

  3. ya, bert (Brett) was so jealous. he's like oohhh next time can sarah hook me up with front row tickets? i was like, uhh who do you think you are mr.? anyways I was looking for you on tv... but that was after the game happened. =/ haha i love you and your family. the end.

  4. THAT IS AWESOME! and that pic is pretty amazing too!

  5. this is such a great picture!!! i can totally picture you yelling at the players! haha

  6. cool! ps...i think i am going to start the blog soon. get excited

