Sunday, March 20, 2011

rachel is twenty one!!

One time when I was a senior in high school I came to BYU on a recruiting trip.
While I was there I roomed with a girl named Rachel.
We became friends quite easily.
We both came to BYU and continued our friendship.
We lived together in the dream lounge sophomore year.
Now we live in the Blue House together.
She is great.
We are best friends and practically family (seriously though)
It was her birthday March 14 and we had a surprise dessert party for her.
She loved it and the party was a success.


  1. cool sarah. no pic of me.nice

  2. best party evaaaa. woo! ya! give it up! Thanks sar.

  3. hey sarah. i like your blog layout/header/background pic. super cute. xoxo.
    ps, i am going to comment on your posts more...

