Friday, February 18, 2011

heyyyyy blue house rocks!

I live in the blue house. This fact makes my aunt Camille crazy happy because she lived in this same house when she went to school here. She makes us care packages with lots of things that are blue and even made us matching shirts for Christmas. I love living in a house. I love that the house is blue because that's my favorite color. I love that it's so close to campus. I love my roomies. I love that we have sunflowers in front when it's warm. I love that I can climb out of my window in my closet onto the roof. I love leaving my house in the morning walking to school. I love all the natural light that comes into the house. I love when people get confused when I say I'm at home because they don't know if I mean home home or at the blue house. I love that we have a special blue house honk. I just love everything about this house and yes I am starting to sound like my obsessed aunt I know but I can see where she's coming from now.

(The random guy taking these pictures for us on the street thought this was a very artsy photo. He was quite talented obviously)

1 comment:

  1. i love your bangs!
    and YOU sarah!
    ...and wish i had your legs!
    i'll just stick with my thunder thighs tho.

